Tokenomics & Fees
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Last updated
Foxify: May be staked to earn a share of platform fees. Yield will be paid in 50% stable, 50% Foxify tokens. Stakers will have the option of auto-compounding into the Foxify staking pool, or auto staking yield into the perps LP.
PLP: PLP is the liquidity provider token for the perps liquidity pool.Stake to earn an ETF of majority Bluechip & stables.
Perps: Standard 0.1% in/out fee for trades. 0.05% Borrow fee for leverage.
P2P Options: 0% Fees for placing/losing a trade. 0.75% Fee taken on the winning side.
Up to 3% of platform fees are awarded to traders based on highest volume, for trading competitions & team contests.